Image of 25+ Silly Mistakes That Can Ruin All Your Efforts of English Dissertation Writing

25+ Silly Mistakes That Can Ruin All Your Efforts of English Dissertation Writing

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English dissertation is something very interesting. English is a language that can bring together all the people in this world. And, it is the only language that can break all your dreams of scoring an A+ in your dissertation. Wondering how? Make a simple mistake and ta-da! Your dissertation is rejected even without a second thought.
Sounds scary?

Don’t worry, Assignment Prime can save you from this situation. You can seek English dissertation help from our experts and get a completely flawless document delivered right into your mail.

But, if you have already completed the writing part, or just have started, then hold on!

Our expert writers who have years of experience in providing the best online dissertation help have brought you a list of 25+ silly mistakes that can completely put all your efforts in vain.
So, let’s check them out before it’s too late...

Let us divide all mistakes into 3 main sections:

1.Grammatical mistakes
2.Dissertation writing mistakes
3.Other mistakes

Now, we will discuss each of them in detail.

A) Grammatical mistakes

1.Missing commas
2.Too many blank spaces between words
3.Missing the hyphen?
4.Incorrect subject-verb agreement
5.Capitalization mistakes
6.Confused between commas and apostrophes
7.Incorrect verbs
8.Confused between similar looking or sounding words
9.‘Me’ as the first word in a sentence
10.“I” as the last word in a sentence

These are the top 10 grammatical mistakes that are quite common and also easily missed that can get your dissertation rejected.

B) Dissertation mistakes

Here is a list of common mistakes students do in their dissertations.

1.Choosing a boring topic
2.Not conducting in-depth research on the topic
3.Writing some chapters very long and others short
4.Underestimating the word count
5.Not starting the work on time
6.Diverting away from the topic
7.Poor organization
8.Bad structure or formatting
9.Systematic arrangement

These are the 10 common mistakes that can make your work look unprofessional. This can lead to rejection of your work.

C) Other mistakes

There are some other mistakes which can spoil your work. Let’s look into them

1.Exceeding word limit
2.Delaying work over the deadline
3.Too much vague content
4.Improper work
5.Poor presentation
6.Shallow research
7.Fake information
8.Submitting the first draft
9.Not proofreading
10.Not taking your dissertation seriously

These mistakes can make a bad impression on your professor or the dissertation committee.

All these three different types of mistakes can cost you a huge loss. The dissertation is a one time project that should be perfect to impress your professor in one-go. So, it is always advisable to check for all these mistakes and ensure your work is completely error-free before you submit it. If you are not very good at proofreading, you can seek our proofreading services at affordable prices to make your document completely flawless.

Avail English dissertation help from us and sit back relaxing while we deliver you with the best quality work. So, waste no more time and contact us now!

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